We turned the house upside down,several times & then realised we had missing items from our cellar.The only people to go in there were some workmen we had in,in the first few weeks we moved in,but as we had no internet,we hadn't needed the laptop.
Paul had also been commenting that his tools were missing, as he was doing jobs around the house,so far a circular saw & a jigsaw!
It's an awful feeling,we had to report it to the police & the insurance,so hopefully it will be sorted soon.
I'm using Paul's laptop now,but all my images & photo's that were stored on mine have gone :o(
They also took the external hard drive,so I can't install the printer on Paul's,I'm all at 6's & 7's at the mo.
I have got some images coloured,so will try get by with them for now & hope to show something soon :o) xxx